Posts Tagged ‘Flash magazine’

Digital Publishing Solutions were created to enable publishers to meet their audiences online. Whether it is for newspapers, magazines, tabloids, catalogues, newsletters, marketing materials or some other type of publication, digital publishing solutions can do it all.

So how do you pick among digital publishing solutions?
There are many ways to evaluate different vendors but there are three distinct categories you should always consider.

First, which digital publishing solutions are easy to use? As you try them, are they intuitive or do you need a degree in applied mathematics to figure them out? Are there help screens or live support when you call or do you fall into a black hole?

Second, consider features. Some digital publishing solutions offer no features other than a simple page turning effect. Do you want to create links to sections of your digital edition or would you like to link from your digital edition to other URLs? Would you like to add video or animated ads inside or around your digital edition?  Would you like to embed your digital edition or mask the URL?  Is security important or is it OK if the whole world has access to your publication? There are just some of the feature-related questions you may want to ask a prospective vendor.

Digital Publishing, Digital Catalog, Digital Magazine, Flash Magazine